阅读全文→手机帝国 是一款以“造手机”为题材的高自由度单机模拟经营游戏。你将扮演一名回到2001年的创业者,因为独到的眼光拿到了神秘投资人的启动资金,开始了一场在科技行业的创业冒险之旅。
“The Stresa Pact was more important than the Hoare-Laval Pact in preventing the LON from stopping Mussolini’s invasion of Abyssinia” How far do you agree?
When Mussolini invaded Abyssinia in Dec. 1935, the league asked Britain and France to put sanctions on Italy. However, they want make sure Mussolini was standing on their side, so they want to appease Mussolini. While the sanction was still in discussion, the British and French Foregin Minister Hoare and Laval had a plan. They want give Mussolini two thirds of Abyssinia in return of calling of his invasion. However, Britain and France thought it was a blatant act of treachery against the league. So, both Hoare and Laval were sacked.
Britain and France worried that Italy will join with allies so they signed a pact with Italy. Britain and France won’t put sanctions on Italy as long as Italy keep together with Britain and France.
The WW1 (stand for Word War One) was ended at 1918. Germany lost in this war. So the big three(Wilson, Lloyd George, Clemenceau) will sign a treaty to punish Germany in order to ensuring the peace in EU. But that wasn’t a easy achievement. The peace makers had an impossible job if we look back.
本人在SB2刚刚上架微软官方商城的时候就买了一台,还美滋滋的用了一段时间。在使用感觉还不错后,俺决定把他升到insider preview 系统。
众所周知,微软经常在insider preview版本中加入一些测试性的功能,我看了之后心里很痒痒,于是便装了一个。但是,这个preview啊经常出问题,动不动就gg(之前给surface pro 3装过 preview版本,结果机器都开不了了)。
Emily is Away is an interactive story. Create a screenname and choose your path through the branching narrative.
Emily is away是一个剧情选择类的游戏。在游戏中,玩家使用聊天室软件和一个女孩进行聊天。
阅读全文→在开始前首先来了解一下 Mojang 正版的 Minecraft 是怎样登录的。Mojang 专门定义了一个用于鉴权的 API 并应用于其旗下的游戏(Minecraft、Scrolls 等)。而 这一套 API 的名字就叫做 Yggdrasil(即北欧神话里的世界树,这名字可真几把炫酷)。通过使用正版验证,再也不用担心假人压测、自带外置登录(启动器里账号密码登录)、自带皮肤加载(不需要安装 CSL、USM 等皮肤补丁了)、Tab 栏显示头像等等。可以说,Minecraft 自带的 Yggdrasil API 鉴权系统比上面的那些什么登录插件啊什么外置登录的功能强多了,所以正版服务器online_mode=true
在本周目的博客上,我用的是双CDN,verycloud+魔门云 。但是很不幸,魔门云刚刚关闭了体验版和高级版CDN的服务。也就是说,如果你想继续使用,需要购买一个月500来块钱的商务版。